EVENT DETECTIONSeismicAi expands business in Mexico

SeismicAi expands business in Mexico

SeismicAI’s Mexico branch held several impactful business events in Mexico, while  deploying a seismic network that will provide lifesaving earthquake early warnings across the country.

One key moment was our meeting with the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry, where we discussed how early warning systems will revolutionize safety in this seismically hazardous region.

We also had the privilege of hosting a conference with the Mexico State National Chamber of Restaurants & Food Industry and the National Chamber of Transformation Industry. The conference, titled ‘New Technologies in Earthquake Early Warning Systems,’ emphasized how seismic innovation can protect business continuity, infrastructure, and lives.

Another highlight was our conference at Mexico State University, titled “SeismicAI México – New Technologies and Mexico’s Private Seismic Network,” sparking enthusiasm for reinforcing Mexico’s earthquake preparedness.