EVENT DETECTIONSeismicAI Detects Magnitude 6.2 Earthquake Near the Coast of Coquimbo, Chile

SeismicAI Detects Magnitude 6.2 Earthquake Near the Coast of Coquimbo, Chile

SeismicAI pilot system detected and issued an alert on a magnitude 6.2 earthquake near the Coast of Coquimbo, Chile, which took place on 6.9.23, at 02:23:08 (UTC) – 22:23 local time.

The coast of Coquimbo, Chile, is situated along one of the most seismically active regions in the world. This dynamic geological setting has given rise to a history of significant seismic events, including the devastating 2015 Illapel earthquake, registering a magnitude of 8.3, which unleashed its force upon the coastal communities. The quake and subsequent tsunami wrought widespread damage, underscoring the region’s susceptibility to the powerful forces of nature.

Magnitude: 6.2
Date: 9.6.23
Time: 23:48:05 (UTC) – 20:48 Local time
Epicenter: -30.278, -71.536
Depth: 41.4 km
Lead time for San Antonio 53 sec