SeismicAI, founded in 2014, is a provider of innovative Earthquake Early Warning Systems (EEW) ensuring earthquake preparedness. The company's EEW as-a-service solutions accurately alert anywhere in the world.
SeismicAI's patented regional algorithms utilize local sensors to issue high-precision alerts for earthquake preparedness. By enabling more time for preventive actions, whether triggered automatically or performed manually, SeismicAI enables extensive monetary savings for the organization.
SeismicAI solutions support business continuity for business and public organizations. They reduce injuries and casualties, mitigate insurance risk, prevent fires, explosions and environmental damage, potentially reducing non-structural damage by up to 50%.
The system covers the full early warning cycle - from monitoring and reporting, through alerts, to optionally triggering automated preventive actions.
SeismicAI early alert technology was developed by leading seismologic experts and business professionals.

Global Offices
SeismicAI offices are located worldwide, in order to provide close support for its earthquake preparedness solutions to local business endeavors and customers:
Our headquarters in Tel Aviv comprise our management, R&D, sales and marketing teams. The office is located in central Tel Aviv, close to Tel Aviv University, supporting the academia's long-term, ongoing collaboration with SeismicAI.
Our office in Mexico is based on a joint venture with Vase Sismica, a local company specializing in seismic instrumentation and application. This strategic alliance enhances SeismicAI collaborations with local enterprises, government and public entities in Mexico to promote earthquake preparedness throughout the region.
Our US offices hold our business development and sales teams. Through this office, we collaborate with our customers and business partners in the US, including oil and gas alliances, research institutions, and more.