InterviewsCase Study: Making Mexico Seismically Safer

Case Study: Making Mexico Seismically Safer

How a large Mexican bank protected hundreds of branches, customers and employees, from earthquake risks


Challenge: Mexico suffers strong and devastating earthquakes. The solution must address a wide variety of seismic sources in Mexico, both regional and local; as well as various soil types in different regions which affect the impact.


SeismicAI system deployed in Mexico includes hundreds of seismic stations distributed across the banking branches in Mexico City, and the states of Mexico. SeismicAI built a regional network covering the states of Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla, Morelos, Guerrero, Michoacan and along the western coast. These stations cover earthquakes originating near Mexico City.

Additionally, a regional system was installed between Mexico City and the Western Coast, providing an alert for regional, off-network and offshore earthquakes. Each station is equipped with a sensor linked to a controller and a redundant power system, ensuring continuous operation. These stations receive an early seismic warning from the regional system, and are able to alert on local events, activating smart alerting based on an integrated alarm. The local stations enable seismic monitoring and track local effects resulting from different soil types.

SeismicAI algorithms continuously monitor and process data which is used to train the system in order to optimize efficiency and precision.

All data from the network is transmitted and processed directly in SeismicAI algorithms in the cloud. The algorithm decides where to trigger the alert according to the type and parameters of the earthquake.

The project includes accelerometer sensors by Güralp Systems Ltd and alerting mechanisms by Sanlien Technology.

Result: This Mexican bank is now safer!